( 4 ) Since June 2000
(10) Since May 2000
(44) Since April 2000
(45) Since March 2000
(80) Since Feb. 2000
New engines
( 1 ) Since June 2000
( 5 ) Since May 2000
(23) Since April 2000
(50) Since Feb. 2000
3DEL infos
About the 3D Eng. list3DEL Forum
Global 3DEL changes
Feature categories
(643) All
(400) Texture-mapping
(325) Persp. texture
(91) MIP-mapping
(32) Sub-pixel map.
(90) Lightmap rend.
(55) Phong shading
(29) Bump mapping
(154) ZBuffer rendering
(96) BSP rendering
(81) Z-Sorting
(27) Span-Buffer
(64) Portal rendering
(38) Patch/curved surf
(20) Stereo rendering
(38) Gouraud-shading
(89) Doom/Wolfenstein
(54) Flat-shading
(10) Wireframe
(59) Landscape/Voxel
( 7 ) Non-realtime
(35) Network support
(71) Fogging
(87) Hierarchical obj.
(117) Collision detect.
(19) Anti-aliasing
(20) Motion blur
(38) Lens-flare
(35) 3D sound
( 3 ) Cartoon
(14) Scene Graph
Source categories
(266) All
(125) Texture-mapping
(97) Persp. texture
(25) MIP-mapping
(11) Sub-pixel map.
(22) Lightmap rend.
(20) Phong shading
( 8 ) Bump mapping
(48) ZBuffer rendering
(41) BSP rendering
(35) Z-Sorting
(12) Span-Buffer
(19) Portal rendering
(19) Patch/curved surf
( 6 ) Stereo rendering
(19) Gouraud-shading
(47) Doom/Wolfenstein
(34) Flat-shading
(10) Wireframe
(31) Landscape/Voxel
( 4 ) Non-realtime
(14) Network support
(19) Fogging
(26) Hierarchical obj.
(31) Collision detect.
( 6 ) Anti-aliasing
( 6 ) Motion blur
( 9 ) Lens-flare
( 9 ) 3D sound
( 4 ) Scene Graph
API categories
(90) All
( 8 ) With 3D HW-Supp.
(51) No 3D HW-Supp.
(106) Use OpenGL
(100) Use Direct3D
(49) Use Glide
( 7 ) Use QuickDraw3D
API & Source
(23) All
( 2 ) With 3D HW-Supp.
(15) No 3D HW-Supp.
(34) Use OpenGL
(20) Use Direct3D
(13) Use Glide
( 2 ) Use QuickDraw3D
Hardware categories
(558) PC
(312) DOS
(288) Windows
(73) DirectX
(74) PC SVGA
(190) PC 3D card
( 3 ) OS/2
(61) X11
(54) Linux
(30) SGI
( 4 ) Next
(17) SunOs
(18) Solaris
(12) HP/UX
( 6 ) DEC OSF
(41) Mac
( 1 ) Atari
(10) Amiga
( 8 ) Console
( 4 ) Image
(35) Java
(42) Portable
( 8 ) Other
Hardware & Source
(228) PC
(158) DOS
(87) Windows
(22) DirectX
(30) PC SVGA
(49) PC 3D card
( 2 ) OS/2
(40) X11
(36) Linux
(14) SGI
( 4 ) Next
(10) SunOs
( 8 ) Solaris
( 5 ) HP/UX
( 2 ) DEC OSF
(19) Mac
( 1 ) Atari
( 6 ) Amiga
( 2 ) Image
( 9 ) Java
(26) Portable
( 2 ) Other
(116) C
(48) C only
(116) C++
(70) C++ only
(106) ASM
(11) ASM only
(36) Pascal
(19) Pascal only
( 8 ) Basic
( 7 ) Basic only
(34) Java
Language & Source
(92) C
(39) C only
(81) C++
(47) C++ only
(88) ASM
( 8 ) ASM only
(31) Pascal
(16) Pascal only
( 3 ) Basic
( 3 ) Basic only
( 9 ) Java
Written in/for
(47) Visual C/C++
(14) Watcom C/C++
( 8 ) Borland C/C++
( 3 ) Metrowerks
(28) DJGPP
( 6 ) Gnu C/C++
(10) Visual Basic
( 9 ) Delphi
( 2 ) Object Pascal
( 7 ) Turbo Pascal
( 6 ) Borland Pascal
( 2 ) TMT Pascal
Written in/for & Source
(19) Visual C/C++
( 5 ) Watcom C/C++
( 4 ) Borland C/C++
(18) DJGPP
( 5 ) Gnu C/C++
( 1 ) Visual Basic
( 4 ) Delphi
( 1 ) Object Pascal
( 4 ) Turbo Pascal
( 6 ) Borland Pascal
( 2 ) TMT Pascal
Special categories
(102) Commercial eng.
(273) Demo only
(16) Engines from Books
( 3 ) Script based eng.
(23) Work in progress
(29) 3D Documentation
Commerical game eng.
Short Lists
(643) All engines
(518) Homepages