Developing Country Initiatives
'Scholarly Publishing and the Developing World' ALPSP/INASP seminar 30 October 2002
Developing Country Access to On-line Scientific Publishing - ICSU open round table, Trieste, Italy, 4-5 October 2002
This site serves a community of 100+ students and staff in the English-taught law programs at Nagoya University. The Zope instance behind this site h...
2003-10-19 12:02:30 is the web site for the Duke University Health System. It uses a Zope-based CMS to manage access control for a distributed user-base, ...
2006-06-23 10:52:17
Zope-powered site at Lund University, Sweden. Zope, CMF and Plone provide web publishing and some intranet functions for about 160 employees.
2003-08-06 14:57:42
Features: Calendar (Survey of and information about the current cultural events in the city of Graz), Culture A - Z (Artist database and survey of ...
2005-11-15 10:13:10
A documentation of public art in Graz from the post-war years to the present day. The OFFSITE_GRAZ database of pictures and text represents the fir...
2005-11-15 10:14:17
Main website of the left-wing socialist party Die Linkspartei.PDS in Germany. German content.
2005-11-11 02:05:44
Auf dieser Website finden Sie Informationen über mich, meine Arbeit (TV-, Kino-, Werbefilme; Grip) und wie Sie Kontakt zu mir aufnehmen können
2004-03-01 00:55:47
A Zope/CMF/Plone/Zopezen powered site. The leading community portal for prehospital care professionals in the UK. Over 1000 registered members and 800...
2004-07-31 05:03:32
ZOPE-powered site: As an international knowledge portal, Lalisio brings together students and professors world wide for quicker and better literature ...
2006-09-05 16:51:24
Stephan Ivanov's personal Zope powered site. (Site in Russian)
SciDevNet website on science and technology in sustainable development
'Open Archiving Opportunities for Developing Countries: towards equitable distribution of global knowledge' Leslie Chan and Barbara Kirsop, Ariadne Issue 30
'Closing the Digital Divide' Richard Smith, British Medical Journal 2003, 326:238
'Bringing Scientific Literature to the Developing World' Nico Dauphiné, Mary Anderson Ochs, Nicole K Joos, Online Information Review: Vol 27, No 1 (2003), pp 51-54
'E-journals: developing country access survey, 2002' INASP (2003)
Summary of the Conference of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights: How Intellectual Property Rights could work better for Developing Countries and Poor People, 21-22 February 2002 (Sustainable Developments, vol 70, No 1 February 2002)
Information and training resources for publishing and bookselling in developing countries
See also: INASP's 'Electronic Journal Publishing' Reader List of eligible countries
Liblicense listing of 'Developing Nations Initiatives'
African Virtual University
ALPSP Partnership Project
Bioline International
Book Aid
eJournals Delivery Service (eJDS)
Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) - EBSCO and the Open Society Institute
Electronic Publishing Trust for Development
Health Information Forum
Health InterNetwork Access to Research Information (HINARI) - World Health Organization
Healthlink Worldwide
ICTP/IT WAS Donation Programme
IDEAL Charter for Low-Income Countries - Academic Press
Information Waystations and Staging Posts
International Network for the Availability of Science Publications (INASP)
Journal Server Trust
Nigerian Virtual Library
Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI) - INASP
Ptolemy Project (U of Toronto)
Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO)
SHARED (Scientists for Health and Research for Development)
Source bibliographic database
The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library (TEEAL)
Virtual Health Library