A Dictionary of Sensibility. Dictionary of the language of 18th century sensibility (terms such as "enthusiasm", "sublime", and "wit"). Illustrated with quotations. From R. F. Brissenden.
Glossary of Bioethics. With a special focus on genetic technology. By Darryl R. J. Macer, from his book, Shaping Genes: Ethics, Law and Science of Using New Genetic Technology in Medicine and Agriculture, Eubios Ethics Institute, 1990.
Glossary of Philosophical Terms. From Nicholas Bunnin and E.P. Tsui-James's Blackwell Companion to Philosophy. Blackwell has apparently removed this glossary from its site. I'm linking to a copy. If anyone can assure me that this copy is unauthorized, I will remove my link.
Glossary of Religious Terms. From the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. Specializing in terms that cause misunderstanding. Unfortunately, the definitions themselves cause misunderstanding, e.g. "Atheist: a person who does not believe in the existence of a deity about them if they do exist."
The Red Feather Dictionary of Critical Social Science. "A Teaching Dictionary of Key Words for Progressive, Radical, Critical, Marxist, Feminist, Left-Liberal as well as Postmodern Scholars and Students in Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, History, Social Psychology, Political Science and Anthropology as well as Religion and Theology." From T.R. Young.
Words of Art. A glossary of "theory and criticism for the visual arts". From the Department of Fine Arts at Okanagan University College. Many philosophical terms, not limited to visual arts or even aesthetics.
BilLee's Fabulous Quotes Pages. Sub-pages on individual authors, including many philosophers. Full citations for most items on the sub-pages. From Bill Lee.
Favorite Russell Quotations. From the subscribers to Russell-L. Maintained by Kenneth Blackwell. Full citations but for missing page numbers on a few items.
Food For Your Brain. From Ryan Breedon. Citations to authors and titles only.
Kant Quotes. Small selection, no citations. From Safe Haven.
Mathematical Quotations Server. Many are philosophical. Authors, titles, and dates common; page numbers uncommon. From Mark Woodard.
On Matters of Most Grave Concern. Quotations organized by topic. Incomplete citations (titles, sometimes dates). From D.N. O'Connor.
Nietzsche Quotations. From Christopher Scott Wyatt. Some full citations, most incomplete.
The Perspectives of Nietzsche. From Bill Curry. A large number of quotations, organized by topic, each with full citations. One of the best quotations pages dedicated to a single philosopher.
Quotations. A very thorough collection of general quotations. Not limited to philosophy, but containing many quotations by philosophers mixed among the rest. From Steve Spanoudis.
Tom Menner's Favorite Quotes. A different, random quotation each time the page loads. Most are philosophical. No citations. From Pete Berger and Tom Menner.
The Argument Clinic. From the Philosophy Department at the University of Northern Colorado. Submit an argument on a form, receive an evaluation by email.
Ariadne. Calls itself the first search engine for philosophy sites on the internet. All help files are in German. Also see the mirror site in Vienna.
Ariadne's Thread. "Experiments in Critical Thinking." From James DeHullu. Current topics are abortion and affirmative action.
Bookstores Specializing in Rare and Antiquarian Philosophy Books
The Academic Books Homepage. Buys and sells used books in philosophy. Also produces on-demand reprints and customized textbooks.
Antiquariaat ISIS. Antiquarian and second-hand philosophy books (English, German, French, Dutch). From Theo Butterhof and Lyseth Belt. Searchable. Also available in Dutch.
The Daily Translation. From Tom Trelogan. A new problem in predicate logic translation every day, taken from the news. With an archive of answered problems.
Departments of Philosophy. There are many lists, but these are the most useful:
The Hartmann Report, 1997-98. "A Ranking of U.S. Graduate Programs in Continental Philosophy." From John Hartmann.
The Philosophical Gourmet Report, 1998-2000. "A Ranking of U.S. Graduate Programs in Analytic Philosophy." Despite the subtitle, contains information on programs friendly to Continental philosophy as well. From Brian Leiter.
Philosophy Graduate Schools. A directory from Gradschools.com. Organized by region. Information and email addresses. Very few links to department home pages.
Ethics and Values Studies Program. Funding opportunities from the National Science Foundation, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences.
Here, Madam. Short introductions to the major branches of philosophy and canonical figures. Anonymous.
Historians and Philosophers. "A collated web index of significant historians and philosophers." A large number of names with links to primary and secondary sources on the web. From Peter Ravn Rasmussen.
New Yorker Cartoons About Philosophy. Each is available on a t-shirt, sweatshirt, or framed. From the New Yorker Cartoon Bank. Use the search engine on the site for particular names and topics.
The Memory Hole. Links on anarchism and philosophical egoism. From Alan Koontz.
Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy. One alphabetical index to the contents of the major philosophical encyclopedias and dictionaries. From Andrew Chrucky.
Online Papers in Philosophy. These were formerly located here, but I've moved them to the section on Etexts, where they form a subsection of their own.
Philosophers and their Ideas. Brief summaries, amounting to a short history of philosophy. Anonymous. This site has disappeared. Can any readers help locate it?
The Philosopher's Sight. An attempt to organize discussion of philosophy papers self-published by their authors on the web. So far just an idea.
Philhaps. From the Philosophy Department at Claremont Graduate University. Philosophical happenings especially in Southern California. Supports email notification.
Philosophy in the News. From Wadsworth Publishing Co. Links to news stories that raise philosophical issues, e.g. about cloning or free speech.
Philosophy is Everybody's Business. "A Syntopical Approach to the Common Sense of Practical Philosophy." From the Center for the Study of The Great Ideas.
Portrait Gallery. For the history of ideas broadly, not just philosophy. From Thoemmes Press. Well-rendered. Thoemmes gives permission to download them.
Postmodern Dreaming. "Contemporary Philosophy, Critical Theory, Semiotics, Linguistics, Poststructuralism and Postmodern Thought" —especially on the subject of dreams. From Richard Wilkerson.
HyperHistory Online. Not limited to philosophy. If you select a "People" view, you'll see philosophers color-coded among the other historical figures. A philosophy-only view is planned.
The Undergrowth of Philosophy. Links to "all that is wacky, preposterous, and just plain silly in contemporary philosophy" in the opinion of Rita Zurcher. From the National Association of Scholars but not necessarily reflecting its views.
Wisdom in the Eye of the Frog. Classical philosophical questions answered with the aid of insights from the genetics of a frog's eye. Based on a book by Robert Vermeulen.